I do a few things differently.
Here’s what you need to know:

Don’t worry it’s nothing weird.

Do you love long and unclear email exchanges? No? Good! 🚀

I want to make the best. I like to work fast so you can get the results as soon as possible. And although it requires a lot of collaboration, I like to create more than talk about creating. And that’s why I approach a launchable project sooner than most of the others. But then, based on the performance, I improve on it a lot.
And that might mean that sometimes we will launch something that doesn’t seem perfect. But the only way to improve it is to wait on what the market has to say. Because, well, we’re not wizards, right?

I like to experiment 🧪

One of the advatages of the approach I’ve described is the tremendous room for trying new, unique things, that can push your product ahead of the competition.
But as it’s always with the new approaches, they are not really proven. Otherwise everyone would use them.
Those experiments won’t ruin your product or drive off your costumers. And if they don’t work, we’ll easily replace them.

So if you are willing to sacrifice the comfort of using just the old, proven methods, that bring small but stable results for the possibility of gaining unique competetive advantage in your industry, we should get along :).

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